Friday, May 2, 2008


Mikey's lil head peaking out in the corner, Lanzo, abuelo Fay, and me. Yes I was a tom-boy but what do you expect? I have no sisters...
Lanzo, Mikey, Papa, and me pool side in Port Charlotte, FL where my great grandmother use to live.
Me and Lanzo at Disney
94'.. @ Sea World in FL...I was 6yrs old in this pic. Lanzo was 8 goin on 9 and Mikey was 7 going on 8( late birthdays)..
Me and Mikey
Yikes I wasn't always cute! lol

My papa finally brought home all of the boxes from our storage unit in Park Slope. I figured since I had the day off I should go through them and dispose what I no longer wanted. I also needed desperately to clean my room. Here is the end result of a long fucking day. Now I know why moms go on STRIKE!

This lil cutie is my little brother Angel. Name suits him well!

In the process of me cleaning I came across a box of photos.. I love every minute of being a kid and I still do!