Friday, May 2, 2008


This was an exhibit right next to the shark. I wasn't able to get the name of the artist but I found this piece to be soooo cool. It is double the size than in the picture and bounced sounds waves off like you wouldn't believe. It also made your image look closer or farther than it was. It almost looks like a gigantic glass dish. I bet i'm not doing a good job of describing the piece to you and I do apologize but it's Prtty sick! You should check it out!

As we were leaving the MET we stumbled upon this hott steamy shyt ,literally! SO HOTT and STEAMY that I had to get a picture while it was still moist. HA! UPPER EAST SIDE douchebags is what I like to refer to them as. Act like they are GOD and above the law because they have some coin but can't even clean up their own dogs SHYT!
On a lighter note it was a beautiful day! :-)
This fall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art will present one of the most arresting works of art by the British artist Damien Hirst: "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living." Originally created in 1991, the piece consists of a preserved shark in a tank of formaldehyde. But the shark that will appear at the Met is the second version of this work: The first began to decompose within the tank. Mr. Hirst then recreated the work with a second shark, a 13-foot tiger shark preserved professionally for the future. Can a work be so easily reproduced? And if so, what happens to its value? Honestly I don't know and don't care! Either way Mr. Hirst has talent and the exhibit is worth every second of your time!

I don't think anyone needs an introduction to Takashi Murakami. He designed Kanye West graduation album cover, half of Louis .Vuitton's hottest patterns and creates sick Japanese animations. The internationally acclaimed Japanese artist Takashi Murakami includes more than ninety works in various media that span the artist’s entire career, installed in more than 18,500 square feet of gallery space.

Manolo and I have been saying that we were going to go see the Murakami exhibit at The Brooklyn Museum and the Frozen Shark exhibit by Damien Hirst at the MET but never had corresponding days off. Finally last week we did and it was such an adventure. In both museums we had to pay but at the Met we got there so late that the paying booth was closed(Good thing because I was NOT trying to pay 20 cash )so we just walked in. There were security guards on the PROWL! If they even felt me touching my camera or let alone reaching in my pocket they were yelling" NO PICTURES MAM"! At about the fifth time I started to get annoyed, saying to myself if I fucking paid to see this shyt I will get some dayum PICTURES!
