Shevy, me, and Yahn

M. dot and the Retro kids

Even the bouncer wanted to drop it low! lol

Kid Cudi. So I went to hang out with Aoki before his show at Hiro( I think thats the name) and Kid Cudi performed. I must say he definitely knows how to work the stage and makes you feel what he's saying. MUCHO PROPS!

L'ster and I kinda got bombed at Hiro so we hauled ass to Mansion where DJ Reach was in town. You know it was a guaranteed good time. Alot of the norms weren't there but some did come out of hiding!

Hey! So i know i've totally neglected my readers by not posting up interesting events or random lame pictures. But guess what ...I'm back! I've been all over the place and back and met some hott guys along the way, lol ** wink**. No, just kidding! But I do have a big rundown for you. Let's hope you can keep up...