Wednesday, October 24, 2007

School 101

Yesterday I went to pick Tiff up from her "new job". We enjoyed the burgers at Soho Park so much that we decided to go back.. ..Sad to say....they were TERRIBLE! They were so messy and greasy, not to forget way to much fries. On top of everything it was to damn $$$ for something fast to eat. I doubt we will be going back there anytime soon. After dinner we took the train down to Brooklyn. Tiff had class that night and some how I ended up in school right with her. Now, I dont go to school, let alone Tiff's school so it was the most random thing ever; but Tiff dragged me ...literally! Not only was it wrong going to class with her but we went in half hour late. The teacher was talking about ... shyt i'm not really sure but some how he started talking about hoes and money.. not put in those words but thats what he ment. Tiff feel asleep the last 15 min of class and I started texting away.. wanna know how time can fly while u bored in class? Read up

1) Bored? Act like your taking notes when your really writing shit, drawing, playing xo with ur pal next to you, writing notes back and forth

2) Taking pics while the teacher is talking will keep you from not falling asleep

3) Acting like your paying attention will make you not only look smart but fool the teacher to not pick on you.
I would have taken a pic of the teacher but homeboy was grilling me the whole time... *thinking> who the hell is that?