Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Where in the world is Tee & Dee?

Working kids, Working... sure we have the ocassional night out, where we get lose, dress so slutty we cant move b/c u will see ass and boobs. Drink so much we call out of work the next day and so on...for the most part Tiff and I have not seen much of each other these past months. Between me getting a new job and tiff living like 4 hours away from me its kinda hard to link up. But seeing as how Tiff who recently switched her name around to Archer( <3 it ) moved to BedStuy it put us back on the map!

Are you ready for short shorts, sunburn, and sunglasses sick enough to make you shyt and barf at the same time, because we are!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


We all have days when we wake up and feel like shit. Some more then others. Some just straight up look like shit. Anyway my point is if your ever feeling down and want a pick me up Google :
Amy Winehouse. I guarantee you will feel better about yourself. I know what some of you are thinking " shes rich your not" . Fuck that I rather be living in a box before i look like this, and that's real.
